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Squarespace is an all-in-one platform that powers your online retail store.

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AdRoll has built a personalized experience to help you attract, convert, and grow audiences for your Squarespace store. Within a few clicks, you can connect your store to a new or existing AdRoll account and start running campaigns across our extensive inventory without any developer or creative resources.

  • Enable conversion and ROAS tracking
    • Track the number of sales and amount of revenue driven by the AdRoll campaign using an automatically-created conversion segment that passes back exact conversion values.

  • Create key audience segments
    • Creates audiences for you to target based on how visitors interact with your store.
    • Audiences created:
      • Viewed Product
      • Add Product to Cart
      • Viewed Cart
      • Checkout (Conversion)

  • Tag your site
    • Places the AdRoll pixel on all pages of your Squarespace store.

Instructions to install the app
Login or create a new AdRoll account using your Squarespace website URLOnce we recognize you are using Squarespace, select ContinueGo to the Code Injection Page in your Squarespace accountCopy the pixel code we provide you and paste it in the Footer fieldCopy the conversion tracking code we provide you and paste it in the Order Confirmation field

Save your changes, then click Check Installation below to make sure it worked your Squarespace store is then connected and you can launch your first AdRoll campaign!